
our medical TREATMENTS

Medical Center

Outpatient services

Pregnancy and Fetal consultation on fetal health and development; genetics; chromosomal abnormalities and structural anomalies; Pre and Post test counselling for fetal procedures.

General check-ups

Pregnancy and Fetal consultation on fetal health and development; genetics; chromosomal abnormalities and structural anomalies; Pre and Post test counselling for fetal procedures.

Fetal Consultation

Pregnancy and Fetal consultation on fetal health and development; genetics; chromosomal abnormalities and structural anomalies; Pre and Post test counselling for fetal procedures.

Pregnancy Services

Comprehensive guidance, handholding and care for pregnant women towards a safe delivery


Comprehensive guidance, handholding and care for pregnant women towards a safe delivery

Maternity care

Comprehensive guidance, handholding and care for pregnant women towards a safe delivery

Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Maternal–fetal medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on managing health concerns of the mother and fetus prior to, during, and shortly after pregnancy.
Maternal–fetal medicine specialists are physicians who subspecialize within the field of obstetrics.

Ultrasound Scans

Ultrasound scans which are recommended during pregnancies. Usual scans include Early pregnancy scan, USG First Trimester screening, Early anomaly scan, Anomaly scan, Growth & Doppler and Fetal Echo.Maternal–fetal medicine specialists are physicians who subspecialize within the field of obstetrics.

Fetal Medicine

Maternal–fetal medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on managing health concerns of the mother and fetus prior to, during, and shortly after pregnancy. Maternal–fetal medicine specialists are physicians who subspecialize within the field of obstetrics.

Fetal Consultation

Pregnancy and Fetal consultation on fetal health and development; genetics; chromosomal abnormalities and structural anomalies; Pre and Post test counselling for fetal procedures.

Fetal procedures

Fetal procedures are minimally-invasive medical procedures performed on the unborn fetus.

our gynecological TREATMENTS


Pregnancy Consultation

Pregnancy and Fetal consultation on fetal health and development; genetics; chromosomal abnormalities and structural anomalies; Pre and Post test counselling for fetal procedures.

Pregnancy Scans

Ultrasound scans which are recommended during pregnancies. Usual scans include Early pregnancy scan, USG First Trimester screening, Early anomaly scan, Anomaly scan, Growth & Doppler and Fetal Echo.

Pregnancy Ultrasounds

Ultrasound scans which are recommended during pregnancies. Usual scans include Early pregnancy scan, USG First Trimester screening, Early anomaly scan, Anomaly scan, Growth & Doppler and Fetal Echo.

Obstetric Scans

Ultrasound scans which are recommended during pregnancies. Usual scans include Early pregnancy scan, USG First Trimester screening, Early anomaly scan, Anomaly scan, Growth & Doppler and Fetal Echo.

Obstetric Ultrasonography

Ultrasound scans which are recommended during pregnancies. Usual scans include Early pregnancy scan, USG First Trimester screening, Early anomaly scan, Anomaly scan, Growth & Doppler and Fetal Echo.

Obstetric Ultrasound

Ultrasound scans which are recommended during pregnancies. Usual scans include Early pregnancy scan, USG First Trimester screening, Early anomaly scan, Anomaly scan, Growth & Doppler and Fetal Echo.

Radio Frequency Ablation

In Radio Frequency ablation, Fetal Reduction is performed with Radio Frequency as prescribed by treating obstetrician to reduce the number of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy to a safe number. Usually done in Twin pregnancies with shared placenta and disproportionate blood supply.


Amniocentesis is a medical procedure done after 16 weeks of pregnancy. In this procedure, amniotic fluid (fluid that surrounds the baby) is sampled and sent for genetic testing. This procedure is used primarily in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections.

Chorionic villus sampling – CVS

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a medical procedure done between 10-13 weeks of pregnancy. In this procedure, cells from placenta, organ that links mother’s blood supply with fetus, are sampled & sent for genetic testing. Procedure is used in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal or genetic disorders

Cervical screening (TVS)

Cervical length screening by transvaginal sonography (TVS) to evaluate the risk of spontaneous pre-term birth.

Amnio drainage

Ultrasound-guided removal of amniotic fluid (fluid that surrounds a baby during pregnancy) to reduce risk of preterm labour.

Early pregnancy scan

Ultrasound examination for pregnancy confirmation, location of pregnancy and fetal health screening. Done at 6-11 weeks of pregnancy.

Level 1 Pregnancy Scan

First trimester ultrasound examination for evaluation of fetal structure and identifying risk for specific chromosomal abnormalities. Done at 11-13+6 weeks of pregnancy.

Level 2 Pregnancy Scan

Second trimester ultrasound examination, also known as Level 2 USG or Genetic Sonogram, is a detailed assessment of fetal development and structure. Done between 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Level 3 Pregnancy Scan

Ultrasound examination for assessing fetal growth, fetal and maternal blood flows. Done after 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal Echo

Fetal echocardiography, ultrasound scan for evaluating the structure and function of unborn child’s heart. Typically done in the second trimester, between 22 to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Early anomaly scan

Also known as Early Level 2 scan, ultrasound examination for detailed assessment of fetal development and structure. Done between 16 to 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Anomaly scan

Second trimester ultrasound examination, also known as Level 2 USG or Genetic Sonogram, is a detailed assessment of fetal development and structure. Done at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal Procedures

Fetal procedures are minimally-invasive medical procedures performed on the unborn fetus.

Growth & Doppler

Ultrasound examination for assessing fetal growth, fetal and maternal blood flows. Done after 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal Interventions

Fetal procedures are minimally-invasive medical procedures performed on the unborn fetus.

Fetal Ultrasounds

Ultrasound scans which are recommended during pregnancies. Usual scans include Early pregnancy scan, USG First Trimester screening, Early anomaly scan, Anomaly scan, Growth & Doppler and Fetal Echo.

USG First Trimester screening

First trimester ultrasound examination for evaluation of fetal structure and identifying risk for specific chromosomal abnormalities. Done between 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal Scans

Ultrasound scans which are recommended during pregnancies. Usual scans include Early pregnancy scan, USG First Trimester screening, Early anomaly scan, Anomaly scan, Growth & Doppler and Fetal Echo.

Fetal Reduction

Fetal reduction is a medical procedure to reduce the number of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy to a safe number. This procedure is performed to reduce chances of early preterm labour in higher order multiple pregnancy (triplets &above) or when one of the fetuses has a serious and incurable disease.

Interstitial Laser

In Interstitial Laser, fetal reduction is performed with Laser as prescribed by treating obstetrician to reduce the number of fetuses in a multiple pregnancy to a safe number. Usually done in multiple pregnancies where the placenta is shared.

Maternal Fetal Medicine

Maternal–fetal medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on managing health concerns of the mother and fetus prior to, during, and shortly after pregnancy. Maternal–fetal medicine specialists are physicians who subspecialize within the field of obstetrics.

MRI Fetal Screening

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) evaluation of the Fetus during pregnancy for specific clinical indications, without causing any risk to fetus and to the ongoing pregnancy.

Intrasac Instillation

Ultrasound-guided intragestational injection in the management of ectopic pregnancies/ interstitial pregnancies/ caesarean scar pregnancies as prescribed by treating obstetrician.

our radiology TREATMENTS

Radiology Treatments

Cervical Screening

Cervical length screening by transvaginal sonography (TVS) to evaluate the risk of spontaneous pre-term birth.

Fetal Ultrasound

Ultrasound scans which are recommended during pregnancies. Usual scans include Early pregnancy scan, USG First Trimester screening, Early anomaly scan, Anomaly scan, Growth & Doppler and Fetal Echo.